Monday, November 3, 2008

Comfort Cookbook

One of my favorite cookbooks is the Betty Crocker Bridal Edition. It is full of comfort foods that grandma and mom used to make like meatloaf, beef stew, mashed potatoes. It is a great place to go when I'm in the mood for something familiar. While it is the perfect book for the beginner I still go back to it for the basics. It even has great meal ideas for different occasions like parties, anniversaries, birthdays, etc. If you have the original Betty Crocker this one is a great addition. I could go on and on about it, but I need to get the chili for dinner going. (I'm trying the Wendy's recipe. I'll let you know how it goes.) Hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween. I know we did camping. If you are having I camping itch I highly recommend Petit Jean. Everything just tastes so much better when you are on a campsite. We made Breakfast Burritos, Jalapeno Kabobs, Grilled Potatoes, Grilled Pizzas, Frito-pie, and Fajitas. Yummmmy!