Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Chicken Jalapeno Kabobs

Wooden Skewers:
When you them use soak in water for 30 minutes before. This will prevent them from burning during cooking.

Metal Skewers:
Buy either the square or twisty ones. Food tends to fall off when you use the round kind.

2 boneless chicken breast
10 bacon
1-10 jalapenos, fresh

1.Take insides out of jalapenos and cut in small strips.
2.Cut chicken into strips.
3.Cut bacon in half about size of chicken strips.
4.Lay bacon on cutting board, lay chicken on top, then jalapeno strips on top of that.
5.Roll up and stick with soaked toothpicks.
6.Grill until bacon is done/crisp
*Or you can cut the jalapeno in half, place the chicken inside the jalapeno, and wrap with bacon.